This week we see 4 critical ways we dehumanize that are societally accepted. They are critical because they reveal a faulty paradigm of human thought.
The so natural tendency to make a human one-dimensional to satisfy our emotional needs.
For every video, we see an old computer, with pixelated imagery, to show what it means to dehumanize someone. How little dimension we allow them. Then we see a human brain short-circuit when placed in that restrictive paradigm (old computer).
Idolization takes a person, and places them outside of normal human limitation (title written outside the wall). We simplify all aspects of their existence equally (things entrapped in the hands).
First, we imagine they have gentle emotional worlds and gentle thoughts (purple circle, calm waters). Second, we imagine they see themselves with great clarity, and have always made good decisions (strong pyramids in the circle on gentle waters). Third, we believe in their innate goodness (isolated circle with pyramids). Fourth, we imagine them to be perfectly vulnerable, even have perfect bodies, and perfect sex lives (genital-like image).
If we were to enter their consciousness (shift to complex imagery), we would see things so complicated, they no longer could be defined as "good or bad". There'd be serious distortion (pixelated), focus on flaws (striation marks) and excessive self-examination (layered mirrors).
Amidst this, would be a wondrous brain (galaxy brain), but it would be used predominantly in distorted ways (brain pixelated). In terms of identity, we'd recognize the person has only faint glimpses of their beauty (light flashing on faint face).
If we met our idol (face coming forward), the second we put them on a pedestal (hands taking galaxy brain and pushing it up into atmosphere), we would immediately see their humanity. A flood of discomfort (hands flooded) and self-effacing response (face with eyes closed).
Hopefully, it would become swiftly apparent, the degree of distortion we entrapped them in (pixelated computer within computer). Our perception would be understood as a small pixel we made enormous (giant gem). Looking inside our restricted perception (inside gem), there'd be monotonous static before we found any sign of their true humanity (planet in circle).
Cosmos Peractus is written in the static, because that's where the truth of humanity lies.
Similar to "Idolization", except now we view a person through an interpersonal lens. We not only see their inner worlds as innately good, and gentle, but we envision all our future interactions to have this same simplicity ("swayed under a canopy, to fill the end of time").
In reality, the relationship would have the vast complexity of any relationship we've ever known. We'd recognize how much of our romanticization was projecting narratives onto the mystery surrounding the person. ("with every truth there is a mystery with a vision so divine")
If we were to grow old with that person ("grow up with you"), more often than not, we'd be flooded with challenging emotions often compartmentalized (water in boxes). There would be days where they became complete strangers (person with eyes closed).
As before, we'd realize how little of their humanity could be seen through the lens of romanticization (small Earth in large pixel).
Cosmos Peractus is written in playful lettering, because relationships are their most beautiful when we can be flawed and just play.
A person objectified, is perceived as easily manipulated (hands with strings) due to a limited emotional world (shallow waters), and childlike viewpoints (building blocks in circle) and, of course, a desirable body/vulnerability (genital-like image).
If we were to enter their consciousness, we'd see human dimensionality, but also a deeply disturbed and pained response to being objectified/abused/manipulated.
First, we'd recognize that dehumanization shattered their inner worlds (fragmentation). They perceive themselves as now flawed to their core (striation) and are stuck in a state of self-analysis and self-loathing (multiple mirrors/box). Their sense of self would be stuck behind the bars of self-distortion (face behind lines).
If we could rescue this person, and give them the adoration, love and validation they deserve, we'd find they could not feel it (distanced hands) or perceive it (cold closed eyes face).
The change in music, represents what the healing process looks like. Processing within processing within processing (computer within computer). Periods of dissociation (pixelation). For them to arrive at their humanity and any sense of worth (earth, colored circle), they have to understand their abusive experience as being a tiny spec in the fabric of their being.
Cosmos is written small, and Peractus large, because Cosmos is "every thing" and Peractus is "completed." A reminder we are not objects. We are our entire existence.
To pathologize is to place an entire human experience in a preset framework (brain in computer), and that framework becomes the basis for all interaction (hands with strings and simple images).
If we saw a diagnosed person's consciousness, nothing would be simple enough to fit in that box. We'd also see their own loss of identity due to the confinement of their diagnosis (face behind lines, brain pixelated).
Observing their experience, post diagnosis (taking brain from box and holding it up), we'd see how much they processed their own lives through the diagnosis (boxes flowing in hands). Worse yet, is how others oversimplified their experiences and stopped truly seeing them (eyes closed, boxes).
Our diagnostic system continues categorizing mental health by taking outdated boxes and just placing new boxes within old boxes (pixelated computer within computer). We have now reduced people to chemicals in their brains (purple circle) and barely a fraction of humanity (small Earth).
Cosmos Peractus is written in dissolving words, to remind us the human condition defies language, let alone category.
As I watch this- I feel as though we are in the eye of the hurricane. A false calm before the storm....
ReplyDeleteHmm tell me more :)
DeleteI feel as though the first half of this year was visible chaos. The second half will be the disturbing roots exposed of all the things that have fallen.
The image at the start of the video...CATS IN THE CRADLE. That game brings back so many memories of innocents! When everything was all so simple when kids can be kids and were able to find fun and excitement in something as simple as a piece of string ! Also allowing them to connect with another human being. These days you can't pull these kids off these electronics! Although they can be very useful they can also be very damaging. Giving them a sense of security that may be absent in other areas of growth. " Personal Jesus " is a perfect description of what electronics can be for someone experiencing that void and lack of sense of self. I'm wondering if that is what that image represents?
ReplyDeleteOnce you said that - suddenly a new narrative came to life. I can absolutely see this representing children and technology. That middle part being what has happened to the child’s consciousness due to living within a box. Even how children can’t experience the world (when brain held up in the sky) - unable to touch and see. Amazing insight :) Love the connection to a personal Jesus - it’s so true.
DeleteYes moe. It’s almost a prison for the mind. And restricting free thought. Or creativity. The abstract of life. Which is so important right now.
DeleteThank you both!